Equatorial Guinea(N)  VS  Ivory Coast

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Equatorial Guinea
  Matches Win Draw Loss Get Miss Pts Rank
Last 6 6              
Ivory Coast
  Matches Win Draw Loss Get Miss Pts Rank
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Cup Standings

Rank Team Matches Win Draw Loss Get Miss Pts
1 Ivory Coast 1 1 0 0 2 0 3
2 Nigeria 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
3 Equatorial Guinea 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
4 Guinea Bissau 1 0 0 1 0 2 0


League/Cup Date Home Score H T Away 1x2 Odds Handicap W/L Odds O/U
CAF NC Equatorial Guinea 0-1 0-1 Ivory Coast8 3.5 1.41 0.91-10.85LDU
INT FRL Ivory Coast 1-1 0-1 Equatorial Guinea 1.16 7.2 20 0.751.51.07DLU
CAF NC Equatorial Guinea 0-3 0-1 Ivory Coast7.9 4.3 1.35 0.90-10.98LLO

Score In The Past

Equatorial Guinea
League Date Home Score H T Away 1x2 Odds Handicap W/L Odds O/U
CAF NC Nigeria(N)1-11-1 Equatorial Guinea 1.44 3.65 6.5 0.901/1.50.86D WU
INT FRL Equatorial Guinea1-11-0 Djibouti D  U
WCPAF 1Liberia0-10-1 Equatorial Guinea 3.25 2.7 2.25 0.880/-0.50.88W WU
WCPAF Equatorial Guinea1-00-0 Namibia 2.05 2.91 3.75 0.960.5/10.80W WU
INT FRL Equatorial Guinea0-00-0 Burkina Faso D  U
CAF NC Libya1-10-0 Equatorial Guinea 3.05 2.75 2.32 0.810/-0.50.95D LU
CAF NC Equatorial Guinea1-00-0 Tunisia 4.05 2.77 2.03 0.880/-0.50.94W WU
CAF NC Botswana2-31-2 Equatorial Guinea 2.58 2.59 2.89 0.9800.84W WO
CAF NC Equatorial Guinea2-01-0 Botswana1 1.56 3.2 5.9 0.740.5/11.02W WU
INT FRL Equatorial Guinea(N)2-20-2 Togo D  O
INT FRL Equatorial Guinea0-00-0 Rwanda D  U
CAF SC Cameroon2-02-0 Equatorial Guinea L  U
CAF SC Equatorial Guinea1-01-0 Cameroon W  U
CAF NC Equatorial Guinea2-00-0 Libya 2.02 2.85 3.65 0.820/0.51.06W WU
CAF NC Tunisia4-00-0 Equatorial Guinea1 1.21 5.2 9.7 0.931/1.50.77L LO
INT FRL Angola0-00-0 Equatorial Guinea D  U
INT FRL Equatorial Guinea0-30-0 Guinea Bissau L  O
CAF NC Senegal(N)3-11-0 Equatorial Guinea 1.5 3.25 8.2 0.9710.85L LO
CAF NC Mali(N)0-00-0 Equatorial Guinea 1.69 3 5.6 1.0010.82D WU
CAF NC 1Sierra Leone(N)0-10-1 Equatorial Guinea 3.3 2.54 2.35 1.0100.75W WU
Last 20 matches, Win rate:40.0% Odds win rate:45.0% Over 2.5 rate:25.0% Odd rate:35.0%
Ivory Coast
League Date Home Score H T Away 1x2 Odds Handicap W/L Odds O/U
CAF NC Ivory Coast2-01-0 Guinea Bissau 1.16 5.6 12.5 0.931.5/20.83W WU
INT FRL Ivory Coast5-13-0 Sierra Leone 1.09 6.9 16.5 0.911.5/20.85W WO
WCPAF Gambia(N)0-20-1 Ivory Coast 7.7 4.5 1.3 0.85-10.91W WU
WCPAF Ivory Coast9-04-0 Seychelles 1.01 11 13 0.873/3.50.89W WO
INT FRL Ivory Coast1-10-1 South Africa 1.4 3.95 6.4 1.000.5/10.82D LU
INT FRL Ivory Coast1-11-0 Morocco 2.74 2.89 2.45 0.8700.95D DU
CAF NC Ivory Coast1-01-0 Lesotho 1.15 5.9 12.5 0.9120.97W LU
CAF NC Zambia3-01-0 Ivory Coast 3.15 2.82 2.36 0.760/-0.51.06L LO
CAF NC Comoros0-20-1 Ivory Coast 5.1 3.5 1.56 0.98-0.5/-10.84W WU
CAF NC Ivory Coast3-11-0 Comoros 1.17 5.7 11 0.911.5/20.85W WO
CAF SC 1Algeria1-00-0 Ivory Coast1 2.03 2.71 3.85 0.920.50.90L LU
CAF SC Uganda1-31-2 Ivory Coast 3 2.76 2.35 0.830/-0.50.87W WO
CAF SC Democratic Rep Congo(N)0-00-0 Ivory Coast1 3 2.98 2.21 0.860/-0.50.84D LU
CAF SC Ivory Coast0-10-0 Senegal 3.2 2.69 2.29 0.8800.82L LU
INT FRL Ivory Coast0-30-2 Mauritania 1.61 3.35 5 1.0010.82L LO
INT FRL Ivory Coast1-10-0 Cameroon D  U
INT FRL 1Burkina Faso(N)2-12-1 Ivory Coast 3.8 3.25 2.08 0.810/-0.51.01L LO
INT FRL Ivory Coast(N)4-02-0 Burundi 1.41 4.45 8.5 0.801/1.51.02W WO
INT FRL Ivory Coast(N)3-13-0 Guinea 1.71 3.3 4.3 0.920.5/10.90W WO
INT FRL Ivory Coast(N)2-10-0 Togo 1.67 3.35 4.5 0.780.5/11.04W WO
Last 20 matches, Win rate:55.0% Odds win rate:52.6% Over 2.5 rate:50.0% Odd rate:40.0%

Handicap Odds Statistics

[0]Equatorial Guinea
  Matches Win Draw Loss Rank Detail
[0]Ivory Coast
  Matches Win Draw Loss Rank Detail

Fixture (3 Matches)

Equatorial Guinea
League/Cup Date Type VS Near
WCPAF A Tunisia 135 Days
WCPAF H Malawi 138 Days
WCPAF H Sao Tome Principe 420 Days
Ivory Coast
League/Cup Date Type VS Near
WCPAF H Gabon 135 Days
WCPAF A Kenya 138 Days
WCPAF A Burundi 420 Days

Last Match Lineup

Equatorial Guinea Ivory Coast
Lineup 1  Jesus Owono
15  Carlos Akapo Martinez
21  Esteban Orozco Fernandez
16  Saul Basilio Coco-Bassey Oubina
11  Basilio Ndong
4  Federico Bikoro
22  Pablo Ganet Comitre
6  Iban Salvador Edu
7  Jose Machin Dicombo
8  Jannick Buyla Sam
10  Emilio Nsue Lopez
Lineup 1  Yahia Fofana
3  NClomande Ghislain Konan
21  Obite Ndicka
2  Ousmane Diomande
5  Wilfried Stephane Singo
6  Seko Fofana
18  Ibrahim Sangare
8  Franck Kessie
9  Jonathan Bamba
11  Jean-Philippe Krasso
13  Jeremie Boga
Backup 19  Luis Miguel Nlavo Asue
20  Santiago Eneme
14  Alex Balboa
26  Jose Nabil
2  Nestor Senra
27  Juan Jose Oscar Siafa Etoha
13  Aitor Embela
3  Marvin Anieboh
12  Charles Ondo
5  Jose Elo
18  Noe Ela
23  Manuel Sapunga
Backup 12  Willy Boly
19  Nicolas Pepe
25  Idrissa Doumbia
10  Karim Konate
17  Serge Aurier
4  Jean Michael Seri
20  Cristian Kouame
14  Oumar Diakite
15  Max-Alain Gradel
26  Ismael Diallo
23  Badra Ali Sangare
7  Odilon Kossounou

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